And so it ends...
We're back in Bangkok, taking care of all that pesky paperwork. Looks like it will be at least 6 to 8 months before Tow Rai can come to America. So, tonight she will head back to Pai and play the waiting game. As for me, I have checked into the Siam Oriental Inn on Kho San Road. Basically, I'm just using it for a place to shower and store my stuff until I leave for the airport at 3:30am. This morning, before coming here, we took a ride on the Death Railway which offered some interesting sites of the river and the countryside, and then hopped on two busses back to Bangkok. This area of town is backpacker central, so it'll be good for those last minute things I want to pick up. Anyway, it's been a great trip. Tonight, as per my fear of flying, I will stay up all night, probably have a couple drinks, and attempt to pass out on the plane as soon as I sit down. Cheers.
Wait just a minute Jarrett, I was in thailand recently and i too proposed to a girl from Pai named Tow Rai. does she have black hair and brown eyes? If so, you can have her. In just two months she's soaked me for about $8,500. By the way, don't worry the crabs and discharge will go away with treatment.
Tow Rai in Thai translates in English as "How Much" fyi.
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