Last night I attended the Phil Lesh and Friends concert at the Fox Theater in Atlanta. One of Phil's friends on this tour is Chris Robinson from the Black Crowes. I was actually pretty excited to see him. Sadly, Mr. Robinson was a total embarassment to the world of music. He looked lost. He didn't know the words. He was out of rhythm. Even with the "music stand" karaoke machine in front of him, he still bumbled the lyrics to "Hard to Handle." For goodness sake, he helped make that old song popular for a new generation of music fans... and he totally botched it. It wasn't just one song, or a note here and there. He was simply terrible. However, in all fairness, he did play and sing a very nice "Peggy-O." Beyond that - garbage. Phil was good, as usual, and the rest of the band sounded great. The big highlight of the night was "Uncle John's Band" with a mandolin lead. Beautiful music. Anyway, I hope Kate Hudson (ahem, Yoko Ono), dumps this guy for what he did last night. By the way, do a google search for Chris Robinson photos and almost every one has Kate in it. That's sad.
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