I just wanted to use this space to gloat over my friend Mike after destroying his Capitol Hill Cripples this week in Fantasy Football. Believe me, I'm quite aware as to how completely frat-boy-ish and juvenile this whole pretend sports craze is, but it's not a bad way to keep up with old college friends. That being said, I have set up strict guidelines for myself so as to restrict how this game will affect me as a normal, functioning, adult human being. The first rule is that I never discuss fantasy football in public (of course, I realize the hypocrisy in saying such a thing in this particular forum). Outside of this post, I generally keep quiet on the subject. There's nothing cool about it, so it's best not to bring it up. The second rule is that I do not allow wins and losses to dictate my mood. Final scores mean nothing to me - seriously. If I happen to win a couple hundred bucks at the end of the season, I view it as an added bonus to the 17 weeks of keeping in touch with my old DC buddies. The third, and final, rule is that I refuse to bring a print-out of my weekly matchup to the sports bar with me like a lot of other people. If I even bother to sit around a bar all afternoon on my Sunday, which is rare, I'm certainly not going to be a slave to that piece of paper showing me the position-by-position comparisons of my team versus my opponent. I'm just not that into it these days. Yet, somehow, I found enough time to create this very Euro-snobbish logo. It's lame. I know. I hate myself sometimes.
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